1. Izharudeen, We aim to spread the Deen of Allah (i.e. Islam) of Allah all over the world and Promote the Haqq (Truth), Scholars of Truth
2. Promote (" Dialogue Is Jesus or Muhammad Way to Paradise - Voice Room ") under room Owner @Islaamtruth as a World organization advancing the Haqq (Truth)
3. Play a significant role in the Battle of Hearts and Minds that is happening all over the World by supporting the cause of Allah and their actions by exposing the enemies and promoting the True Islam.
4. Organised Brothers, Sisters into an effective Dawah Movement with responsibility for various tasks, loyalty and commitment is expected (any problem must be addressed in the admin meeting of Head admin)
5. Collaborate with other organization. scholars promote the Truth (Haqq) Islam and Islamic History admins will need to get an approval from the Amir or Amiral of the admins to promote any links, blogspots, sites other admins if you are not sure about something address to Room Owner.
6. All admin should be trained and required to train each others, please do not hesitate to ask other admins if you are not sure about something.
7. Please visit the website www.Islamukdawah.com
[Please donate click]
8) No criminality Question to anyone will be bounce and lead to banned from room.
NB: The owner of this room and their admins has and do frequently use the power to remove (bounce) members at their discretion to keep an orderly room as they see
Click file >> Setup Preferences >> Privacy >> Invites and file transfers from Pals only, IM's from anyone
and Click Text >>Text >> Emoticons >>do not covert emoticons text to Picture [Make sure is Tick on]
Others Rules:
1) Any admin, can jump the queue, if there is need to address an issues.
2) No Sect Talk, No Insult to other religions or sect.
3) No Debates (unless is arranged)
4) Non Muslims who are sincere in their questions about Islam come first.
5) No Insult, applies to All
6) No Swearing or abuse language
7) No Cams
8) No lectures play unless approved by admins
9) No politics, unless is Islamic politics
10) When address non Muslims, only gave them reference from Qur'an or Hadith/ approve Bible verse.
11) Anyone preaching terrorism or Extremism should be bounced as this goes against Islam.
12) No Nasheed in any languages unless is English or Arabic.
13) 4 minutes mic time if their is 3 people hands raises,
14) 3 minutes mic time if their is 5 people hands raises.
Rules of Dotting:
1) dot 3 minutes
2) dot 6 minutes
3) Bounce
4) If an admin dot someone and leaves the room, another admin can remove the dot.
5) if an admin dots someone and the time frame has passed, another admin can remove the dot.
6) After the time has passed.
7) Admins disputes
8) If 2 admins are in dispute they are to leave the room and come back without their hat.
9) If it continues hats will be removed
10) Admins are not to dot each other
11) Admins are not to bounce each other.
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